Thursday, 14 April 2016

Waste of Time

Due to fears of repercussions  I have been advised to remove the original entry I made here.

I removed it only because my wonderful wife Mary asked me to, for NOBODY else would I have done so as I am a believer in Article 10 of  the ECHR.  With out Marys support, care and love I have no doubt I wouldn't still be here today.

This is done with great reluctance on my part as this blog is my way of giving voice to the negative thoughts and feelings that my mental health condition causes me, as well as the good thoughts and feelings and was started by myself to help me get the jumbled mess of thoughts and feelings in my confused, scared, lonely, paranoid mind straight.  One of my former therapists also recomended this as a form of therapy that would be beneficial to me and I have found it to be very cathartic when I feel the need to post.

I have no intention of stopping this blog in the future so watch this space.

European Convention on Human Rights


  1. Sorry to read this Al; I don't know what can be done about the wankers of the world, but remember that you also have many friends out here in the world.

  2. PS, that was me, Les Prince, not 'Unknown'

  3. Looks like I can't even rant now without some moron calling the feds - makes me sick.
