Sunday, 23 December 2012

First Month Back

My last post was after my first day back and now I have finished my first month.  I can't say it has got much easier, in fact in some ways it has been harder.  especially a client I delivered to with a name than means a lot to me.  Things are slowly improving with my colleagues - well some of them, but if those who are having more trouble than the rest feel that way I'm not going to let them get me down again.  They will come round one day and if they don't that's life and as long as we can work together professionally then fine.  Maybe once we have got Christmas out of the way things will improve.

Just like the last few months there have been ups and downs, good days and bad there have days when I have had the shakes and others where I have wanted to find a hole and crawl into it  but I'm taking them one day at a time - it's all I can do.  Something that I am doing that is both helping and not helping at the same time is staying at my fathers a two or three nights a week.  On the up side this saves both money for fuel and the stress of the drive from home to work and back.  On the down side I'm away from home and my Mary and I'm not sure that is worth what it saves.  Either way I know I still have a long road to travel to get myself back and get that bloody dog sorted once and for all,

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